Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Semalam aku gi midvalley...jalan2 cari handbag..then saje lah gatal tgk perfume..ermm...aku dh terbekenan ngan Euphoria CK la...sedap nyer bau dier...lagi pun botol nyer sangat cantik tau...keluaran baru ni siap ade diamond lagi tau...yang lame tu just warna pink biasa je...uishh..kena kira bajet balik smula ni..hehehhe...

After sampling Euphoria at a fragrance counter, I just had to have it. Although it smells somewhat synthetic, it smells sexy and fun.The scent stays true on me for hours. I don't wear it as often as I used to because I've been experimenting with others, but I still like it very much. I'm a teacher, and several of my students wear it. I like to smell unique.

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